tisdag 20 september 2011

Elias borns like a gaint bayby 2011-07-01,very beautyful bayby and kind as he looks like.

måndag 8 november 2010

Catedral of Asmara

This is the Catedral of Asmara,you can find the building on the Avenue of Asmara .nice picture.

Salt Formation in Denkalya

Mars on Earth”
Denkalya Desert

Salt plains

Salt formations
Fler bilder
Denkalya desert it's a bit of Mars on Earth.It is a desertic region which offers some of the most unbelievable sites on Earth.It has many salt pounds of disparate colours: green, blu, red, violet, and so on.It's very hot, about 60° C during daytime, and very cold at night: excursions to this place must be planned with care, always using local guides. For a "normal" trip of 6 days every traveller needs 6 lt. of water a day. Local guides are used to carry about 80 lt. of water each!I cannot describe my experience in Denkalya, it would be impossible to do it.

måndag 1 november 2010


My Leona is now 1year and 8 months old ,she is very nice girl,more energi and more movment ,she is every where ,one can`t find her, she hides if she wants to do some thing wrong.She goes now on the kindergaurden, and pleasent to be there,at this moment she is not good for eating,

fredag 6 mars 2009


My sweet baby Leona got to this world on 2009-02-26 by 8,55 in this morning.She was so beautiful.The most happiest day in my life.
Leona stand for strength,trust and integrity.The word comes from the king of the forest Lion.She is a very nice girl,does´t cry a lot,she sleep well on the day time,but on the night time she seems to have fun by wide open eyes and funny face acts.
when she need some to eat someone have to get it right away,otherwise she have to cry ,because she have a very sensitive humor.

söndag 1 februari 2009


WHY !! Don´t any country say a thing about what happening i Gaza,is that so that they are affraid of Israil =USA.Why is so many countries so affraid ........ .I am talking about the well-developed countries,is that because of there interest in those countries.So why that so many people to suffer because of those two countries..........why the whole world so WHY... .I am very sorry for the poeple in Gaza, imagine that the bomb of fosfor raining while you sleeping,then you wake up like the bell ringing in your head.So why don´t boycotting Israil because fo the bombing the Palestinian people.The UN tryed to get som solition for the to parts without success in the issue.UN is a tail of USA ,what ever USA sayed they agree,UN is the 52d state in USA but that is confidential ,there lot is in the outer space.Un=tail is a cover for USA=ass hole,a tail got a lot to do to cover the ass.What comes for ass bull-shit.They think they are the God of the earth.

fredag 19 december 2008


ሓደ ሰብኣይ ካብ አንዳ ሓኪም አንዳመጸ ኮሎ ንሓደ ዓርኩ ረኸቦ.፣፣

ኣበይ ዳኣ ጸኒሕካ ዐርከይ በሎ፣

እንዳ ሓኪም በሎ፣

እንታይ ዳኣ ኢሎምካ፣

ሽኮር አለካ ኢልኒ፣

እዋይ ዐርከይ እዝጊሄር ሂብኻ በሎ፥